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In order to better serve you and create a more interactive, robust forum for sharing thoughts, ideas, recipes, pictures, and videos, Journey to the Best in Me is moving to Please continue your health journey with us there and sign up to receive notice of new posts by email. Thank you for journeying with us.

Sunday, September 29, 2013

The Miracle of New Life

This week I became a second time grandmother and I can tell you it is just as exciting the second time.  Maybe a bit too exciting, as this grandson decided that he wanted to get noticed right from the start.

Labor began and contractions did not seem to be progressing consistently. My son and daughter-in-law decided to go to the hospital so she could get checked.  That's when they discovered that the baby was footling breach. He was trying to slide out feet first, which is not a desirable way to deliver a baby.  This was a surprise, as he had been head down the week before. They also discovered that my daughter-in-law was already 7 centimeters dilated,  so some quick decisions had to be made.

Since a vaginal delivery would be too risky, my daughter-in-law was prepared for a C-section. We received the news by text, thanks to my son, who asked us all to pray.  And pray we did!

The doctor arrived and asked if they would like him to try and turn the baby.  He explained that it was risky and very unlikely that it would work.  If her "water" would break, it would mean an emergency C-section.  They said they would like him to try.

While they repeatedly prayed out loud, and all of us prayed around the country, the baby flipped in the doctor's hands.  With head down, labor proceeded. They were able to use the essential oils they love which helped with pain, muscle tension, relieving some of the anxiety and stress in the room, and cleansing the air.  The nurses commented on how much they loved the smells in their room.

Philip Gerard was born a few hours later, and we all rejoiced in God's care and mercy.  This care
came through a physician who was willing to be God's instrument and was sensitive to the desires of my son and daughter-in-law to have as natural a birth as possible.

I am aware that God's blessings don't always come in ways we consider to be positive. Sometimes He blesses us with hardship or suffering.  We may not understand why.  So if you've experienced a C-section, a difficult birth or even the death of a baby, I don't believe that God abandoned you or removed His love or blessings.  I pray you will experience His love and care even in the midst of your difficulties.

Again I am humbled to remember that God blesses man with an intellect and abilities to work in union with Him to do incredible things to save lives.  He blesses us through natural means (good nutrition, pure essential oils and herbs, meditation, exercise) and also through scientific discoveries and medical procedures.  It is not either/or, but both/and.

I pray for the day that the dignity and needs of each human being will be foremost in the minds of every doctor, nurse, counselor, pharmaceutical company, farmer, food company, chemist, political leader... But while I pray for this, I can begin.  I can be sure I treat each person I meet with dignity and respect.  Let it begin with me.

Food Matters DVD

When I want to be inspired to make better food choices or to remember why I want to treat my body is a more loving way, I watch one of the health related movies that I have purchased.  Just this simple act of watching a 60-90 minute documentary motivates me to keep journeying down the path toward better health and more positive choices.

Have you seen Food Matters?  I love the clear, concise way that nutrition is highlighted, the abuse of pharmaceuticals is challenged and research is sited. The makers of the movie have a website, where they share this sentiment:

"We here at Food Matters are committed to helping you help yourself. We believe that your body is worthy of good care and that no one is more suitably qualified to care for it than yourself."

I agree with this philosophy and encourage you to do something good for yourself today.  Choose an apple over a cupcake, drink more water, walk around the block.  Better yet, establish a new habit by taking a small step that you can consistently implement over the next four weeks.  

Just a reminder:  whole food, raw food, heals.  Fruits, vegetables, seeds, sprouts, nuts are powerful resources for the body.  Raw food is loaded with enzymes, vitamins, minerals and life!  I write this because from time to time I need to be reminded too.  During times of stress, I slip back into eating without thinking.  I grab a handful of pretzels or pieces of candy from the secretary's desk. I forget to plan my meals or shopping and then feel "stuck" at the end of the day and make poor choices.  I neglect to bring a healthy snack with me in the car so justify stopping to grab something that I know is not really helpful to my body.  

Yes, we will all die one day, but how many of us want to feel crummy, get cancer, have a heart attack, contract a disease or drag ourselves through life?  Today is a great day to make a good choice and establish a healthier habit.  Use the inspirational resources at your disposal: movies, articles, books, websites, hopefully my blog.  

I think today just might be a movie day...

Friday, September 27, 2013

Ode to Lemons

I have been surprised to learn how beneficial lemons are for health, skin and cleaning.  Did you know that lemons are great for balancing pH?  Oil of lemon takes the sticky out of gum, glue or label residue.  Lemon juice can be used to neutralize the chlorophyll taste in a green smoothie. Lemon juice balances digestion, helps with canker sores and boosts immunity.

Lemons have an incredible amount of  health benefits.  One of the biggest health benefits is a lemon's strong antibacterial, antiviral, and immune-boosting powers.  Lemons are a natural aid to weight loss because they aid digestion and cleanse the liver.  Lemons contain citric acid, calcium, magnesium, vitamin C, bioflavonoids, pectin, and limonene--that promote immunity and fight infection.

Lemon oil has been documented in several studies to improve concentration, accuracy and mental performance.  Lemon oil comes from the rind of the lemon and protects the fruit from disease, bacteria, mold, and these protections will benefit humans as well.  Sniff the oil while studying and when taking an exam or working on a project.  The oil is a natural mood enhancer and has been known to help with depression.  I call it "sunshine in a bottle".  Citrus oils have been studied for their aid in preventing common causes of food poisoning, assisting in the fight against cancer, tackling viruses and much more.  Just type "lemon", "citrus oils" or "d-limonene" and "PubMed" into your web search box and look over some of the research.

Lemon juice helps with skin health.  Dr. Oz shared a skin recipe using 1 cup milk, 2 tsp lemon juice and 1 Tbsp brandy.  He mixed it together and then painted it on the face as an exfoliant.  Interesting. Lemon juice offers a natural acid mantle to skin and fights acne.  Just dab some on acne before going to sleep and wash off in the morning. Combine this with a drop of Young Living's melaleuca alternifolia or pure lavender oil (lavendula angustifolia) for extra acne fighting benefits.   Lemon juice helps to strip harmful chemicals and residue from hair.   One word of caution:  don't put lemon juice or oil on skin or hair before going into the sun as it can change the color of both skin and hair.  Citrus oils are photosensitive and can cause a darkening (looking more like dirt than a tan) of the skin.

Lemons are great for balancing your bodies pH.  While we think of lemons as being acidic, when the lemon juice enters the body it becomes alkaline in the body and helps create a healthier environment.  Did you know that an acidic body system is most conducive to disease?  When the body is alkaline, cells are better able to fight off viruses, unhealthy bacteria and other diseases.  One doctor I know recommended drinking an 8 oz glass of water with a half a lemon squeezed into it before every meal to aid in digestion and reduce acidic pH.

Lemon juice is one of the main ingredients in the Master Cleanse due to its ability to help the body detoxify.  I personally have done the Master Cleanse several times with great results.  I'll leave that discussion for another day. 

The proven antibacterial and antiviral properties of lemons and lemon essential oil make this inexpensive fruit a valuable tool in your health arsenal.  Simple, delicious, great smelling - genius!

Thursday, September 26, 2013

Is Knowledge Power?

You've heard the saying, "What you don't know won't hurt you".  How true is that really?  If someone slipped arsenic into your drink, would you be safe if you didn't know about it?  Of course not.  

In the same way, I can't fool myself into thinking that the chemicals in my household products or the artificial sweetener in my foods are not going to hurt me just because I don't know about their harmful effects.   

I use to think that I could trust the regulating industries, like the FDA or other government agencies. Certainly they would not allow something that has been proven to be harmful to be in my foods, cleaners, vaccines, medicines.  After all, aren't they committed to the protection of the people?  I have to say, I was pretty overwhelmed and crushed when I realized that this was not the case and that often money is the motivation rather than what is best for our bodies.  When a woman I know called the FDA to ask why they were not protecting us from harmful products, the person on the phone stated that the FDA is in place to be sure products are labeled clearly.  Americans have the right to decide whether they want to use the products or eat the "food" once they read the label.

The problem, as I see it, is that we have been marketed to, very effectively I might add.  We believe that because something comes in a colorful package, has the words "all natural" or "organic" printed across the label, that it is actually healthy and beneficial to our bodies.  I am sure most of us don't realize (I didn't) that millions of dollars are spent on chemicals to enhance flavor, create the perfect color or texture, encourage a desire for more of the same.  

Ignorance is really not bliss, but a sleep walking into disaster, health problems, frustration and heartache.  Our choices, whether conscious or unconscious, over time will compound into positive or negative results.  We get to choose, and will have the most positive results if we are informed and choose wisely. 

Here's my challenge.  Take some time every day, or several specific times a week, to educate yourself.  Learn what is in your foods, cleaners, personal care products, medications.  Use the internet as a source to look up words you don't know (propolyene glycol, triclosan, sodium laurel sulfate).  Find websites that you trust and read a little each day.  I appreciate Dr. Mercola's site (, Victoria Boetanko's site ( and so many others.  Watch movies that inspire you to take a better step or set a better course - Food Matters and Hungry for Change are just a couple of my favorites. 

Discover healthy alternatives to what you find to be less than desirable in your home and food. Ask your doctor to switch a medication if you realize that the one you are on is especially harmful.  You are your own best health advocate.  As Jim Rohn says, "Take care of your body.  It's the only place you have to live."  

Don't allow others to intimidate or bully you.  Remember, God gave us this world to enjoy and prosper in.  He wants us to be full of life and he is the master healer and provider.  He gives us free will and a mind to reason with.  Don't allow others to deny you the use of either of these.

Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Core Four strategies to invigorate health

I attended the Nature's Remedies course in Flint, MI this past weekend and loved everything I learned. There is so much scientific evidence supporting the belief that natural remedies, i.e. essential oils, superfoods, green smoothies, really do repair and revitalize the body. Likewise the evidence is staggering that synthetic, chemical laden products and foods are extremely harmful to the body.

The conference began with one of the presenters sharing Nature's Remedies "Core Four Strategies".  These strategies are designed to invigorate health without the downsides and side effects of pharmaceutical and mainstream options.  The "Core Four" are:

1) Minimize exposure to and the damaging effects of toxins.
2) Reduce the effects of stress and negative emotions.
3) Flood the body with nourishing, restorative essential nutrients.
4) Replace conventional medicines with effective and timely natural solutions.

Doesn't this seem to make sense to you?  Which step do you need to give a bit more attention?

I am so grateful to have resources available to me, like this class, so I can continue to learn about the miracle of the human body and how to give it what it needs to be strong and vibrant.  I hope that this blog, in a very small way, assists you on your journey to better health.

Monday, September 23, 2013

Healthy Caramel Apples

Fall is such a wonderful time for enjoying the fruits of our labors.  It is a time to remember that "small, seemingly insignificant moment to moment choices" (as Darren Hardy states in The Compound Effect) really do lead to big results - good or bad.  We plant, and then either protect, weed and water and enjoy a bountiful harvest; or we plant and then neglect or only give occasional attention to our relationships, finances, health, future goals or even our literal garden, and then reap disappointment and dis-ease.  It's our consistent choices that make all the difference.

For me, the fall is also a time to call to mind some great memories of apple picking, carving pumpkins, raking leaves and drinking hot apple cider around a campfire.  I hope you find blessed memories that you can reflect on and inspiration to look forward and decide what small step you will take to bring you closer to the future that you envision.

Here's an idea for a healthy treat using some of the delicious apples of the season.

Caramel Apple Sandwiches

1.         Crispy fall apple varieties, thinly sliced
2.         Medjool dates, pitted

Place an apple upright onto a cutting board. Make thin slices from one side towards the core. Repeat on the opposite side to create identical round cuts.  Pair the slices together. The two remaining sides can be cut into apple wedges, discarding the core. Smash a pitted date between two slices of apple rounds to make a caramel apple sandwich. Arrange on a platter and dip into the Cinnamon Chocolate Butter.

Cinnamon Chocolate Butter
Makes 2 cups

1.         1/2  cup raw almond butter
2.         3/4 Tablespoons grade B pure maple syrup
3.         1/3 Tablespoon raw cacao powder
4.         2 drops Young Living Cinnamon Bark essential oil
5.         Pinch Himalayan salt

Blend ingredients in a Vita-Mix blender until creamy. Place into a small dip bowl and serve with the Caramel Apple Sandwiches. 

Bonus recipe: Blend 8 ounces of hot filtered water or chocolate rice milk per 2 tablespoons of Cinnamon Chocolate Butter in a high speed blender until creamy for one serving of hot chocolate.

Sunday, September 22, 2013

A God of Healing

Listening to Chris Tomlin, I was stopped dead in my tracks as I heard these words coming from my stereo speakers:

Be still, there is a healer

His love is deeper than the sea
His mercy, it is unfailing
His arms are a fortress for the weak

Let faith arise

Let faith arise

I lift my hands to believe again

You are my refuge, You are my strength
As I pour out my heart, these things I remember
You are faithful, God, forever

I cried out to God for healing, for the grace to turn from food, which had become an idol for me, and God met me with His love, mercy and grace and led me on a new journey.

Three years later, and 45 pounds lighter, I am so grateful for the wisdom others have shared with me and for the light that has been shown on what I eat, the chemicals in my environment, the oils that heal, and the need to "Be Still" and let Him minister to me each day.  

Many people that I speak with are looking for a healer.  They are wondering why God does not seem to be healing them or answering their prayers.  This song reminds me, and I hope you, that God's love for each of us is unlimited. His mercy is unfailing.  He is faithful, forever.

Somewhere along the way, I think many of us have been side-tracked, misled and misinformed.  We just don't realize that what we are eating, breathing and putting on our bodies, can negatively affect our health.  

I feel a passion to share that God has healing for each of us and often that healing may come as we return to what He has provided for us in the Garden of Eden - healing foods, herbs, plants, relationships. I want people to know that God has not forgotten them.  "I have come that they may have life and have it to the full."  John 10:10

I hope we can journey together to this fuller and healthier life.  I hope you will invite others to join us too.

Saturday, September 21, 2013

Hair Loss Solutions

Recently, several women approached me because they were concerned about the amount of hair they were losing. I myself have been experiencing some hair loss and so I decided to do a bit more research and share what I've been discovering.  

Hair loss has been linked to several imbalances in the body:  low stomach acid, low levels of sulfur, estrogen dominance and problems digesting grains.  

Victoria Botenko, in her book Green For Life, states that low hydrocholoric acid (stomach acid) causes many symptoms, one of which is hair loss.  She shares that participants in a study found that their levels of stomach acid increased and their digestion improved from drinking green smoothies each morning for several weeks.  Green smoothies are made from raw fruits and greens (see previous blog post) and so the enzymes are more prevalent to aid with digestion.  So, I need to add my green smoothies more often back to my diet and remember to take my Essentialzyme tablets to assist my digestion.

Sulfur is the third most common mineral in the body and is needed for many bodily functions.  It keeps blood vessels flexible, nails and hair strong and improves joint function.  I have heard that taking Sulfurzyme (MSM mixed with wolfberry powder) can transform these areas and promote hair retention.

Hair loss has also been linked to low thyroid and estrogen dominance which can often be caused by all the estrogen foods (especially soy) and chemicals that we are bombarded with.  I could do a whole post on the thyroid and balancing hormones, but for now just a reminder that chlorine is brutal on the thyroid, as is airplane travel, and cosmetics and personal care products are often culprits in the hormonal imbalances that are epidemic in our world today. Things that interfere with a women's menstrual cycle -- like medication, illness, infection, or chemicals -- have the potential to stop hair from being formed properly. 

I am experiencing great results in balancing my thyroid with Thyromin capsules and Myrtle essential oil.  I have also been balancing my "female" hormones with essential oils, such as Clary Sage and Progessence Plus.  Balancing hormones obviously benefits more than just hair loss, and can improve sleep, libido, energy, weight loss and more.

Dr. Mercola states that there is a link between hair loss and eating grains.  He writes, 

"For those of you who still have a significant amount of hair left, cut down on, or better yet eliminate, most of the grains if you want to keep your hair. This will be far more effective than Rogaine and much less expensive.  However, you must be warned of the side effects of a low-grain diet--you will achieve a greater level of health and decrease your risk of diabetes, heart attacks and cancer."

Why not try one of the solutions mentioned above if you are having problems with hair loss.  You can also try using an essential oil blend for cleansing, nourishing and strengthening the hair follicle and shaft. Rosemary is actually known to encourage hair growth.  

Here are a few recipes to try.  For each of the blends below, mix 5 drops of the mixture into 20 drops of a V6, grapeseed or coconut oil and massage onto scalp before bed.
Hair Care Recipe #1 10 drops Cedarwood
8 drops Rosemary
10 drops Sandalwood
10 drops Lavender
1 drop Juniper

Hair Care Recipe #2 3 drops Rosemary
5 drops Lavender
4 drops Cypress
2 drops Clary Sage
2 drops Palo Santo

Alopecia Recipe
4 drops Rosemary
4 drops Thyme
4 drops Lavender
4 drops Cedarwood
2 drops Frankincense
Alopecia Areata is an inflammatory hair loss disease and the 2nd leading cause of baldness in the USA.

What have you done that has helped prevent hair loss or improve hair retention?  

Friday, September 20, 2013

Shields Up - Think and Decide

Do you ever feel like you are being told what to think, what to desire, what to buy, how to eat?  Do you realize, “The average American is exposed to about 3000 advertising messages a day, and globally corporations spend over $620 billion each year to make their products seem desirable and to get us to buy them.”  

One statistic stated that drug companies spend twice as much money on advertising as they do on research. Huge amounts of money are spent trying to convince us that we are "loving it" when the product being promoted is known to be unhealthy.   Companies spend millions of dollars researching the right color packaging, the psychological impact of a certain image, and even the ingredients being utilized despite the fact that some of these ingredients are addictive, harmful or even dangerous. Is the dollar really that important?  

As Dave Ramsey says, "Advertisers try to get us to buy things we don't need, with money we don't have, to impress people we don't care about."  Many times we are sleep walking through our choices, not realizing we are being led to places we may not really want to go.

Maybe it's time to wake up and take charge of the direction our ship is sailing, deciding where it is we really want to be.  We live in a free country where we are blessed to be able to decide how we will spend our money, what we will do with our time and who we will listen to and trust.

How do we take charge of our thoughts, decisions and educate ourselves? How do we decide what is really best for ourselves and our families?  Personally, I have found that turning off my TV (or at least muting and ignoring the commercials), avoiding some magazines, and reading to educate myself have all helped me to limit the number of messages screaming for my attention, which then allows me to make decisions based on facts not emotions.  Many manufacturers and pharmaceutical companies do not have my best interest at heart, so I need to learn how to decide for myself what I will allow and what I will avoid.

My hope is that this blog will offer you resources, challenge you to explore healthier paths, and encourage you to take the next good step on your journey to vibrant living.  

Thursday, September 19, 2013

Homemade Bath Salts, Foot Soak and Body Spray

I thought it would be fun to give you a few money saving, stress reducing ideas that would be enjoyable and simple to make.  You can use these ideas for yourself or make them to give as a gift to someone else.  

I love using my Young Living oils to create special moments in my day or to bless someone else. Have fun with these recipes and if you need some oils, let me know and I'd be happy to assist you in ordering a few.

Foot Soak
This foot bath will not only leave your feet feeling clean and refreshed, but the oils will minister to the rest of your body too. The deodorizing effects of this blend will reduce bacteria which can lead to foot odor.  You want to use a therapeutic grade oil (Young Living) as your body will absorb the oils and actually use these oils in whatever way they might be needed (reduce inflammation, promote circulation, detoxify the body).  
3 drops Geranium oil
2 drops Lemongrass oil
4 drops Lime oil
Fill a tub or foot spa with warm water and add the essential oils.  Soak feet for 10-15 minutes.  Dry thoroughly.

Note:  Try other oil combinations as well.  For example, peppermint oil could be used to reduce muscle aches, headache or fever.  Cypress could aid in circulation.  Melrose is good for candida and yeast infections.  

Body Sprays and Air Freshener
Fill a small spray bottle with distilled water, add 10 – 15 drops of your favorite oil blend or single oils.  Shake well, and spray onto the entire body just after taking a bath or shower.  
Peppermint is invigorating; lavender is relaxing.  Jasmine or rose oil are good for romantic moments.  Frankincense heightens spiritual awareness and aids with skin issues.  The list of ideas is endless.  
Adding Purification oil to a spray bottle makes a great air freshener and odor reducer without chemicals.  Body spray and air cleaner...hmmm.   

Bath Salts 
Bath salts make relaxing in the tub a real treat.  Commercial bath salts are full of chemicals and additives that are not beneficial, or are even harmful, to our cells.  When we soak in the tub, we absorb through our pores whatever might be in the water.  Chlorine is very hard on the thyroid and should be avoided.  You can neutralize the chlorine in a tub by adding about 1/2 to 1 tsp. of Vitamin C powder and waiting 10 minutes.  

Essential oils need to be mixed with a carrier since they can irritate the skin if they are added undiluted to the bath water.  A carrier can be sea salt, apple cider vinegar, liquid castile soap, vegetable oil, Epsom salt or clay.  Do not use more than 8-12 drops of essential oils per bath.  Mix the oil with the carrier and add desired amount to the tub as it is filling.  To store the salt for later use or for gifts, use dark glass containers since essential oils should be kept out of direct light. 

Oil ideas include: 
Relaxation:   Peace & Calming, Lavender, Geranium
Invigorating:  Blend Tea Tree, Peppermint and Grapefruit
Candida/Yeast problems:  Tea Tree, Melrose & Rosemary

Put two cups of sea salt in a glass bowl and add 12 drops of the essential oil or oil blend.  Stir to blend well.  This should be enough for two to three baths depending on the concentration that you desire.

I'd love to hear what you think of these recipes as you try them.  What oils do you find effective and why?   

Monday, September 16, 2013

Apples - Raw and Creative

One of my favorite fall activities is apple picking.  We use to pick several bushels when my kids were younger and use the apples for sauce, pies, crisps and more.  Since I've turned to a more raw food diet, I have found some great recipes that we enjoy.  Give these recipes a try and check out the books that they come from.

Waldorf Salad *
4 apples, cored and diced
2 celery stalks, diced
1 cup raisins
½ cup  walnuts, chopped
½ cup Quick mayonnaise (below)
Put the apples, celery, raisins and walnuts in a serving bowl and toss with the mayonnaise to coat.  Cover and refrigerate the salad for 2 to 4 hours before serving.
Quick Mayonnaise *
¾ cup almond milk
2 Tbsp avocado
1 ½ Tbsp apple cider vinegar
¾ tsp sea salt
¾ cup virgin olive oil
Put almond milk, avocado, vinegar, and salt in a blender.  Blend until combined.
With the blender running, slowly drizzle the oil through the hole in the top and blend until smooth.  Cover and refrigerate for up to 3 days.
 *Above recipes from Raw Food for Everyone by Alissa Cohen.

Cabbage Apple Salad
I may have adapted this or just invented it, but I've been using it for a while and don't remember if I am the source or not.
5 Cups shredded cabbage
1-2 apples diced
1 Cup walnuts
1/2 Cup raisins
1/2  to 1 lemon, juiced
Dash of sea salt
Mix all ingredients in a large glass or ceramic bowl.  Let sit for an hour and enjoy. 

Fruit Porridge with Celery
1-2 stalks celery
1 kiwi, ripe
1 small apple
1 pear
1 tsp cinnamon
1 Tbsp flaxseed, ground

Chop celery and all fruit into large pieces, place in blender a little at a time and and blend until smooth.
Sprinkle cinnamon and hulled flaxseed over the porridge.  Enjoy.
Variation:  Omit celery and kiwi and add a banana.  Begin with pear, add banana and then the apple.  This will keep the mixture from getting too sticky.  This is a kid favorite.  Raw Food, A Complete Guide for Every Meal of the Day by Erica Palmcrantz & Irmela Lilja

What healthy recipe do you have that calls for apples?  Willing to share...?

The Power of Words

I have been listening to a book on CD called "Change Your Words, Change Your Life" by Joyce Meyer and I have been convicted that words are even more powerful than I realized.

The book talks about God's word bringing the world into existence and our words bring into existence either progress, joy and success or defeat, harm and insecurity.  How many times do you hear someone say, "This is going to be a bad day" (and then it is), "I have no control over my appetite?",  or "I'll never be able to ...(fill in the blank)"?

We often get what we expect and we tend to take steps with these thoughts or words in mind.  If I am expecting a situation to be difficult, is it easier to just give up instead of persevering?  If I expect that I will not be able to stick to my exercise routine or my healthy diet changes, then I probably will give in and quit when I experience discomfort or it becomes inconvenient.

My words can bring life and blessing to others, or they can tear down another's self-esteem and wound them.  We can speak words in person, over the phone, through email, texting or tweeting, and regardless of the way they are delivered, they can still build up or tear down. "Never in the history of the world have words been so cheap, quick, irrevocable, and viral." - Joyce Meyer. We say things often without really thinking.  Once the words are out (or emailed) they can't be taken back.

One challenge that Joyce gave was to not say anything that we don't think we could envision God saying.  Would God say, "This is impossible, things will never work out"?  Well, nothing is impossible with God.  Our hardships and struggles create muscles, character and teach us so many valuable lessons.

As Jim Rohn says, "Don't wish it was easier; wish you were better.  Don't wish for less problems; wish for more skills.  Don't wish for less challenges; wish for more wisdom."

What if you tried today to speak more positive words, to express gratitude and appreciation for
everything in your life, and to change your life by the words that you speak?  Give it a try and let me know what results you experience.

Saturday, September 14, 2013

A Balanced Approach

This week my father went to the emergency room with abdominal pain and what the doctors thought might be gallstones.  He was put on an antibiotic, given some pain medication and sent to a room on the second floor to await testing.  I arrived that morning with the attitude of a crusader determined to prevent any unnecessary medications, procedures or harm. At the age of 83, he has not been in the hospital since he was 4, except to accompany my mother.  While I do know of cases of neglect, incompetence and of relatively healthy individuals spiraling down into disability and even death, I will now admit that my attitude was anything but humble or grateful.

He was prescribed an antibiotic, Cipro (from the  fluoroquinolone family) which I have read should only be used as a last resort because of all of the extremely damaging and prevalent side effects.  I asked that it be discontinued or changed.  We had great difficulty getting the results from his tests and so he was not allowed to drink even water, was not on an IV after his mid-day tests, and was getting dehydrated.  We had more questions than answers and the nurses on the floor seemed too busy to be able to get answers for us and the doctors were vague and unavailable.  When we left that evening, I felt sorry for anyone in a hospital bed without someone to advocate for them.

A day and a half later, my father returned to the emergency room and this time, the doctors discovered that he had a perforated colon.  A surgeon was immediately called, and after the surgery was complete, I arrived with a whole new appreciation of the medical profession, and a bit more humility.  There is no doubt that this surgery saved my father’s life.  The doctor was open to discussing the antibiotics chosen and the floor my father was placed on was much calmer and the nurses very attentive.

I wholeheartedly believe in the healing powers of whole food, good nutrition, essential oils, vitamins and minerals, and I will continue to advocate these with a passion.  I have been able to use some of the oils with my father in the hospital and the hospital staff has been open to this.  After this recent hospital experience, however, I will be less judgmental toward a medical profession which, while it has its flaws and weaknesses, is still filled with people who truly care about serving others and saving lives.  For the doctors and nurses who are genuinely concerned about and caring for my father, I say thank you!

Friday, September 13, 2013

It's Just Food!

Several years ago, I was sharing my struggles with eating healthy with a friend.  She looked at me and very calmly said, "It's just food."  My reaction was immediate and ballistic.  While I did not respond out loud, everything in me was yelling,  "How can you say that?  It's not just food!  You don't understand!"

My internal reaction to this simple phrase startled me.  Was I really attached to my food for more than just nourishment?  I definitely was! Food, especially sweets, treats and other less than healthy options, was my companion when I was lonely, happy, angry, forgotten, overwhelmed, excited, celebrating, depressed... you get the picture.  But was it really?

After I spent time indulging my emotions through food, I usually did not feel better, more confident, satisfied or healthier.  If I was honest, the pleasure lasted but a few short seconds and the after effects lasted much longer.  If food was my companion, it was one that often betrayed me.  I usually felt guilty, discouraged, achy, tired, frustrated and heavier after indulging.

My friend's comment made me consider that maybe I had mixed up the role of food, which is simply to nourish me, especially if I am eating wholesome, fresh and unprocessed foods.  To meet my need for celebration, consolation, companionship, I can turn to people - friends, family, all who support my life.

I am getting better at going to an event, like a family gathering, and focusing on creating positive memories and enjoying myself by simply focusing on the people.  If I choose to eat, my goal is hopefully to nourish my body.  My focus has been shifting from self-indulgence and self-satisfaction, to enjoying the people I am with or taking time to let God love, comfort, and affirm me.   Food is shifting to its proper place - as nourishment and a means to better health. Of course, I still enjoy what I eat and I can create masterpieces of taste and nourishment, but I am not expecting food to do more for me than it can possibly do.

Can you relate to my reaction?  How have you redefined the role of food in your life?

Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Simplify Your Life

Many of us are looking for ways to gain more time, reduce stress, and get more done, or at least keep up with demands placed on us by family, work or our own expectations.  Is there a way to  save time and energy while getting healthier?  I'd like to suggest that there is.  Shifting to a whole food diet will not only give your body what it needs to heal itself and detoxify from the negative influences all around us, but it can save you time and frustration.
I have discovered that since I've been eating foods "closer to the way that God made them", I save a lot of time shopping.  I travel down less aisles of the store (staying primarily in the produce and natural food sections), have fewer decisions to make and less packages to read. The shear number of choices in many aisles is staggering – cereal boxes, chips, crackers, salad dressings - fat free, reduced sodium, low sugar, and on and on.  I have found that my food budget does not have to be higher if I am not buying a lot of expensive processed foods, meats and "treats".

A favorite raw resource
While I did have to spend time learning new recipes and experimenting, once I got a dozen new recipes under my belt, food preparation was pretty quick.  I save time when I make a raw meal because there is little cleanup, few, if any, pots and pans and often our meal is ready to eat in 20 - 30 minutes.  Making a smoothie is quick and easy, and often I'll make a double batch and save half for the next day.  I often save time by making a double or triple batch of salad, veggies, fruit salad, or rice & beans.  I also find that the healthier I eat, the more I enjoy simple foods and the less I believe that every meal has to be complicated.  Honestly, I am eating foods I love.  My taste buds radically changed and I love the complex taste of fruits and vegetables.

In eating healthier, it has become simpler to shop for clothes (and more enjoyable); I work faster and more efficiently, and have greater clarity when making decisions.  I find that I need less sleep, so I have more daytime hours to work with.  These are just some of the ways that a healthier diet has saved me time and allowed me to enjoy simplicity.

Monday, September 9, 2013

Menu Mondays - Raw Tomato Sauce

I have decided that I am going to try to create a bit of a theme with my blog posts.  This will help me keep my ideas focused and a bit varied from day to day, but will also help you, my readers to know what to expect on a given day.

So, Monday I will focus on sharing recipes, hence, Menu Mondays.  The rest of the days of the week will look a bit like this:
Tuesday’s testimonials - stories of success to inspire
Wellness Wednesday - ways to improve health through a variety of means
Thrifty Thursday - ways to save money while not compromising health
Friday’s Philosophy - a look at how our thinking can effect our progress
Symptomatic Saturday - suggestions for improving various illnesses and health challenges
Sacred Sunday - a look at faith in the midst of this journey toward all that God intends

Enjoy today's recipe.
My son made this delicious meal using zucchini spagetti

Raw Tomato Sauce over Zucchini "Spagetti"
10-11 tomatoes chopped  (Romas work well)
1/2 red or yellow onion sliced
3-4 cloves of garlic peeled & chopped                               
fresh basil to taste (6 big leaves)                                      
crushed dill to taste                                                        
2 Tbsp lemon juice                                                          
1 tsp celtic salt                                                               
2 Tbsp olive oil
1/8-1/4 cup raisins
1-2 red bell peppers
1/4 jalepeno pepper
1/4 - 1/2 cup sundried tomatoes

Blend all ingredients above until smooth.  Serve over spiraled zucchini (creates zucchini spagetti).  I enjoy this raw or very slightly warmed, but other family members prefer to saute the zucchini "noodles" in olive oil and garlic before adding the sauce.  

Do you have a healthy recipe that you'd like to share?  What are some ways that you creatively use your summer produce?

Sunday, September 8, 2013

Ask And You Shall Receive

Yesterday, I spent the day at the Sewickley Harvest Festival sharing health and wellness options with so many delightful people.  By the end of the day, I was even more convinced that God wants each of us to know about His desire to heal us and help us experience a rich and healthy life.  Of course, there are times when He uses suffering in our lives to build character, to increase holiness and to teach us to surrender, but how many times do we suffer needlessly, both physically and emotionally, because we are making poor choices when it comes to what we eat, how we spend our time or how we handle conflict.  

Matthew 7:7-11 “Ask, and it will be given to you; seek, and you will find; knock, and it will be opened to you. For everyone who asks receives, and the one who seeks finds, and to the one who knocks it will be opened.  Or which one of you, if his son asks him for bread, will give him a stone? Or if he asks for a fish, will give him a serpent?  If you then, who are evil, know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more will your Father who is in heaven give good things to those who ask him!

When was that last time you ask God to show you a way to improve the quality of your life and then really listened for an answer?  I believe God answered this prayer for me by sending me people who shared a whole food lifestyle and taught me about God's healing plants.  He also allowed me to find some great spiritual resources.  I am experiencing a level of joy and vitality that is such a gift to me.  

Would today be a good day to take a few moments to thank God for His love for you and to ask Him for what you need?  Remember, He is God so don't tell Him how to answer your prayer.  (So often I try to "coach" God and tell Him what I think He should do!).  Simply lay your needs before Him and then listen for an answer - through the Bible, a small whisper, a friend or circumstances.

May today be a day of light, hope and encouragement as you journey forward.  
Happy Sunday!