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Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Beware of Poisons in Your Food

If someone gave your child or grandchild a plate of food laced with poison, do you think you would be upset?  Of course you would be!  Let’s consider the definition of poison.  “A substance that through its chemical action usually kills, injures, or impairs an organism.”  Have you read your food labels lately?  How about the labels on your personal care products like shampoo, soap and toothpaste?  Have you seen words like Sodium Lauryl Sulfate (SLS), Propylene Glycol, Aspartame, and Triclosan – to name a few?

Are these poisons?  Well, SLS is used in engine degreasers and 90% of personal-care products that foam.  It is linked to eye damage, depression, labored breathing, diarrhea, skin irritation and death.

Propylene glycol is a petroleum plastic that must be handled with gloves, special clothing, goggles and is disposed of by burying it.  It is a key ingredient in antifreeze.  And this same chemical is found in foods, shampoos, brand name toothpastes (check your toothpaste label, as it most likely says to contact poison control if more than a pea size amount is ingested).  How can this be safe for the body?

Aspartame is the technical name for the brand names like NutraSweet, Equal and Spoonful.  One article stated that Aspartame accounts for over 75 percent of the adverse reactions to food additives reported to the FDA.  Ninety different symptoms have been attributed to aspartame, many very serious, including seizures and death.  The dairy industry is petitioning to be able to add Aspartame to milk without having to list it as an ingredient.

Triclosan is an “anti-bacterial” agent in soaps, toothpaste, toys and other products, and is believed to affect
Products containing triclosan
estrogen-mediated responses, suppress thyroid hormone and disrupt the endocrine system.  It has been linked to auto-immune diseases and heart problems.  Once in the body (and it is absorbed even through the skin) it has a half-life in the body of over 7 years.  This means it takes 7 years for half of the triclosan to be removed from the body.

Even if only a portion of what is stated above is true, would you consider these items to be poison?  I encourage you to do your research and read your labels. You are the best advocate for your health and the health of your family.  You may not be able to control pollution or other environmental “poisons”, but you can limit your exposure to pesticides, chemical ingredients (including dyes, artificial flavorings) and other toxins that can rob you of your health.

Getting these toxins back out of your body is a topic for another blog, but it is possible.  Of course, prevention is the best line of defense.  Have you noticed any of the above toxins in "unusual places"?  Share what you've discovered with us.

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