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Friday, September 27, 2013

Ode to Lemons

I have been surprised to learn how beneficial lemons are for health, skin and cleaning.  Did you know that lemons are great for balancing pH?  Oil of lemon takes the sticky out of gum, glue or label residue.  Lemon juice can be used to neutralize the chlorophyll taste in a green smoothie. Lemon juice balances digestion, helps with canker sores and boosts immunity.

Lemons have an incredible amount of  health benefits.  One of the biggest health benefits is a lemon's strong antibacterial, antiviral, and immune-boosting powers.  Lemons are a natural aid to weight loss because they aid digestion and cleanse the liver.  Lemons contain citric acid, calcium, magnesium, vitamin C, bioflavonoids, pectin, and limonene--that promote immunity and fight infection.

Lemon oil has been documented in several studies to improve concentration, accuracy and mental performance.  Lemon oil comes from the rind of the lemon and protects the fruit from disease, bacteria, mold, and these protections will benefit humans as well.  Sniff the oil while studying and when taking an exam or working on a project.  The oil is a natural mood enhancer and has been known to help with depression.  I call it "sunshine in a bottle".  Citrus oils have been studied for their aid in preventing common causes of food poisoning, assisting in the fight against cancer, tackling viruses and much more.  Just type "lemon", "citrus oils" or "d-limonene" and "PubMed" into your web search box and look over some of the research.

Lemon juice helps with skin health.  Dr. Oz shared a skin recipe using 1 cup milk, 2 tsp lemon juice and 1 Tbsp brandy.  He mixed it together and then painted it on the face as an exfoliant.  Interesting. Lemon juice offers a natural acid mantle to skin and fights acne.  Just dab some on acne before going to sleep and wash off in the morning. Combine this with a drop of Young Living's melaleuca alternifolia or pure lavender oil (lavendula angustifolia) for extra acne fighting benefits.   Lemon juice helps to strip harmful chemicals and residue from hair.   One word of caution:  don't put lemon juice or oil on skin or hair before going into the sun as it can change the color of both skin and hair.  Citrus oils are photosensitive and can cause a darkening (looking more like dirt than a tan) of the skin.

Lemons are great for balancing your bodies pH.  While we think of lemons as being acidic, when the lemon juice enters the body it becomes alkaline in the body and helps create a healthier environment.  Did you know that an acidic body system is most conducive to disease?  When the body is alkaline, cells are better able to fight off viruses, unhealthy bacteria and other diseases.  One doctor I know recommended drinking an 8 oz glass of water with a half a lemon squeezed into it before every meal to aid in digestion and reduce acidic pH.

Lemon juice is one of the main ingredients in the Master Cleanse due to its ability to help the body detoxify.  I personally have done the Master Cleanse several times with great results.  I'll leave that discussion for another day. 

The proven antibacterial and antiviral properties of lemons and lemon essential oil make this inexpensive fruit a valuable tool in your health arsenal.  Simple, delicious, great smelling - genius!

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