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Monday, September 23, 2013

Healthy Caramel Apples

Fall is such a wonderful time for enjoying the fruits of our labors.  It is a time to remember that "small, seemingly insignificant moment to moment choices" (as Darren Hardy states in The Compound Effect) really do lead to big results - good or bad.  We plant, and then either protect, weed and water and enjoy a bountiful harvest; or we plant and then neglect or only give occasional attention to our relationships, finances, health, future goals or even our literal garden, and then reap disappointment and dis-ease.  It's our consistent choices that make all the difference.

For me, the fall is also a time to call to mind some great memories of apple picking, carving pumpkins, raking leaves and drinking hot apple cider around a campfire.  I hope you find blessed memories that you can reflect on and inspiration to look forward and decide what small step you will take to bring you closer to the future that you envision.

Here's an idea for a healthy treat using some of the delicious apples of the season.

Caramel Apple Sandwiches

1.         Crispy fall apple varieties, thinly sliced
2.         Medjool dates, pitted

Place an apple upright onto a cutting board. Make thin slices from one side towards the core. Repeat on the opposite side to create identical round cuts.  Pair the slices together. The two remaining sides can be cut into apple wedges, discarding the core. Smash a pitted date between two slices of apple rounds to make a caramel apple sandwich. Arrange on a platter and dip into the Cinnamon Chocolate Butter.

Cinnamon Chocolate Butter
Makes 2 cups

1.         1/2  cup raw almond butter
2.         3/4 Tablespoons grade B pure maple syrup
3.         1/3 Tablespoon raw cacao powder
4.         2 drops Young Living Cinnamon Bark essential oil
5.         Pinch Himalayan salt

Blend ingredients in a Vita-Mix blender until creamy. Place into a small dip bowl and serve with the Caramel Apple Sandwiches. 

Bonus recipe: Blend 8 ounces of hot filtered water or chocolate rice milk per 2 tablespoons of Cinnamon Chocolate Butter in a high speed blender until creamy for one serving of hot chocolate.

1 comment:

  1. This sounds amazing. I definitely have to try this one. I already have my apples bought, now I just need to buy the other ingredients. It's hard to believe that this is good for you. It sounds so indulgent.


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