Moving to a New Website

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Thursday, May 8, 2014

Sort, Purge, Pack, Move and Simplify

There is nothing like moving to help you realize you live in a first world country. I think I live fairly simply, yet the process of preparing for my move to a new location and then having people help me move all my "stuff" opened my eyes to the amount of clothes, shoes, decorations, kitchen gadgets that I have. I could not help wondering what those in a third world country would think about my belongings.

Don't get me wrong, I am not saying that belongings are somehow evil. I believe that God wants us to appreciate the blessings that He gives and the rewards of our labor. I am wondering though where the line is between what is healthy stuff and what distracts me from thinking about and standing in solidarity with those who daily live with just the simplest of possessions, or who go without their basic needs being met.  

I guess my prayer is that I don't get caught up in the consumer mentality of having to have everything "just so" in my new location. I want to take a good look at clothes and shoes I almost never wear and see if there is someone who might be blessed by these items, even if through a thrift store or Samaritan House.

Just pondering. What are you thoughts on this?


  1. I did a 20 day cleaning challenge last year but think I might need to do it again. The first time I kept too many things like old magazines and shoes that in one year I haven't read or worn. Reducing things and going simple is freeing, in both stuff and food. It is time for me to let go again! Thanks for the inspiration to do it.

    1. Even after moving, I am still going through boxes and asking what I can get rid of, or who needs some of my clothes or decorations more than I do. I want to simplify my surroundings and my life. I am interesting in posting about your cleaning challenge and the link for the woman from Australia. Stay tuned.


    Here is the link to the 52 week de-clutter challenge. These is also a 20-day challenge for cleaning. Since you just moved I am thinking you won't need cleaning as much as the de-clutter challenge. Remember because she lives south of the equator, her seasons are backwards so she is now entering fall and winter seasons.

    1. Thank you. I am eager to check this out. You're right, not much cleaning to do, but lots of organizing and unpacking/de-cluttering.


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