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Friday, May 16, 2014

When Life Throws You a Curve...

The light will always break through the darkness.
God is always present. All is well.
I am a day late for this post, but let me explain why. Life has been a bit unsettled for me with my recent move and all that comes with that challenge. I have been plugging along trying to unpack, set up my office, follow up with my Young Living team and customers, write my daily blog, and continue to look toward the future with some planning and confidence in God's leading.

On Wednesday, I received a call from a woman from an organization, Freedom of Choice in Cancer Therapy. She said that I had been recommended as a speaker and asked if I would be willing to be the guest presenter at their monthly meeting in June. The conversation was pleasant and all the details were worked out. She mentioned that their May meeting was on Thursday night (the next day) and that I might like to attend the meeting to get to know the group a bit better. I thought that was a good idea. I hung up the phone and thanked God for the opportunity to share natural healing through essential oils in June.

Then on Thursday at 2:00 p.m., came the phone call that changed everything. The presenter for the meeting that night was suddenly stranded at a distance airport and would not be able to arrive in time to give his presentation. Would I please consider giving my presentation a month early? I felt a surge of "peaceful panic". I had not even prepared the presentation that I hoped to give yet? I had only 2 hours before I would need to be on the road to drive to the meeting location. Yet I felt a peace that God knew exactly what he was doing and would care for the details. I only needed to say yes.

The presentation went very well and the interest of those in attendance was evident. I was so blessed by their questions, curiosity and passion for natural healing. They were a wonderfully receptive and understanding group.

Sometimes life, or God, throws us an unexpected curve. Sometimes things happen that we don't understand or we struggle to see the good in the situation. Twice this week, God has reminded me in a graphic way that He is present in every situation.

Working on a puzzle to relax before bed, I have been convinced that a certain puzzle piece just does not fit into the puzzle I am working on. Eventually, I will realize my mistake as the piece fits perfectly into its location. Sometimes things happen in life that I don't understand or don't view as good. I may shake my "puzzle piece" in the air asking, "How does this fit into my life in a good way?" It may take time, but I know that one day I will see the blessings that came from that situation or event.

Driving along the highway one day last week, I witnessed a giant cloud blocking the sun. Darkness fell as the light was prevented from reaching the earth. As I watched, the sun began to stream out from behind the darkness. It was as if the light could not be prevented from spilling out to bless the earth. I was reminded that, even on the darkest days, the sun still shines just above (or behind) the clouds. God is always in my life (and yours) with love, even when I don't seem to be able to experience His love or see His care.

Am I making sense? Have you experienced this too?

I just realized that I forgot to post that for one lucky person who posts a comment on my blog this month, I am giving away a bottle of Lemon oil (one of my favorites!). April's winner will be posted tomorrow... stay tuned.


  1. What a beautiful example of being well prepared to do what God calls you to do. You are an inspiration!

  2. Thank you for linking up over at I know that feeling when God throws you an unexpected curve right when you're able to handle it. It's scary, exciting, and somehow comforting at the same time.


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