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Wednesday, May 7, 2014

Spring Citrus Weight Loss

With spring in the air and temperatures warming, I turn my thoughts to trading my winter clothes in for my summer wardrobe. As I begin pulling out shorts, capris and sleeveless tops, I wonder whether I feel ready to expose more of my body to the general public. After all, it has been a long winter and comfort foods have often been my companion. I may have put on a few pounds.

Let's face it, most people don't base their relationship with me on whether I am overweight, have cellulite or roll slightly in the middle. I would hope that people value my character (and I am quite a character), my personality and, well, just me! 

That being said, I still want to be slimmer, healthier, more agile and athletic and feel better about my appearance for myself. This is something that I want for me. So what can I do to drop a few pounds, firm up and boost my body's cellular health?

Here's a few timeless suggestions that are ripe for the taking:

1) Eat more seasonal, fresh, organic fruits and vegetables. Juice, blend, chop and lightly steam. These foods have higher concentrations of vitamins, minerals and nutrients needed by the body for repairs, cellular healing, and overall body function.

2) Get outdoors and exercise. Find activities that you enjoy. Learn a new sport or join a hiking group (like I did!). Movement helps to get the lymph system moving and naturally detoxifies the body through sweat and muscle movement. Exercise also helps to oxygenate the cells.

3) Use essential oils and supplements designed to assist with fat reduction and weight loss. Following are two testimonies from women who experienced great success. I am eager to try the wrap and will let you know my experience in a future post.

Weight Loss Remedies
One woman heard Gary Young suggest the following remedy for weight loss and followed his advise with great results. Put 10 drops of Ledum into a bottle of Citrus Fresh. Each night dot the oil mixture all over (1 inch apart) the areas where you wish to lose fat (stomach, hips, buttocks). Rub the oil in and then wrap those areas with cellophane (creates sweating) and go to bed (she chose to skip the cellophane after the first night). Take two capsules with 10 drops of grapefruit essential oil at night before bed. This woman lost 3 inches in 6 weeks and she was almost to her ideal weight already. FYI: Citrus Fresh with Ledum breaks up the fat and the Grapefruit by capsule digests the fat.
Another woman lost weight using the Slique Caps. She did not have a scale, so when she went clothes shopping she was surprised to find she had dropped from a size 22 to a size 14. No wonder people kept telling her she looked great!

Hear a great 15 minute talk on citrus oils (orange, grapefruit, lemon, and tangerine) and their use by clicking here.

What healthy habits will you be employing this spring?  Can you relate to what I shared?

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for the link to the Young Living site. I already love adding lemon to my water and the smell of the grapefruit. Now I know how to use them more effectively.


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