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Saturday, May 31, 2014

Dr. Esselstyne Shares Healing for the Heart

I am really enjoying listening to the talks from the 2014 Food Revolution Summit. I decided to purchase the whole set so I could listen to them and soak in all the information at times and a pace that was good for me.

I am very impressed with the talk that was given by Dr. Esselstyne. He is a heart surgeon at the Cleveland Clinic who has been demonstrating through scientific studies that a plant strong diet can reverse heart disease. In fact, he mentions that in rural China or the Papua highlands in New Guinea, Central Africa or among the Tarahumara Indians in Northern Mexico, where the people eat plant strong diets, there is no heart disease; it is virtually unheard of.

Dr. Esselstyne is one of the primary contributors to the movie Forks Over Knives, and he has written the best selling book, Prevent and Reverse Heart Disease. He recently published a research paper that involved 200 patients, all with significant cardiovascular illness. 89.3% made the dietary changes and were adherent to a whole food plant-based nutritional lifestyle for 3.75, or almost 4 years. Of all those who were adherent, 99.4% avoided any further cardiac events during that time period, and change began to be seen in just weeks. In the group that was not adherent, 62% had further cardiac events.

According to John Robbins, the interviewer of the summit, statin drugs are usually the first line of treatment for heart concerns. There are more than 215 million prescriptions written for them each year which generates about $14 billion in revenue for the pharmaceutical companies that make them. Statin drugs are taken now by nearly one in four US adults between the ages of 45 and 64 and by about half of those over 65.

Statin drugs have many side effects, the primary one being that they force the liver to stop producing cholesterol, which is needed by the body for so many functions including hormone production and brain clarity, to name a few. This is why doctors will regularly check liver enzymes to determine how much the liver is being damaged. Add to this that some people develop diabetes, others experience neuropathy or neuromuscular disorder, and still others experience cognitive disorders. More and more doctors are expressing concerns with Statin drugs.

If you have a family history of heart disease, or if you think you might be on the path to clogged arteries, high blood pressure or other heart related problems, why not try a plant based diet for a period of 6-12 months and see what changes take place in your body. I have no doubt that your experience would be in keeping with the results of Dr. Esselystine's studies.

Young Living offers some products that are great for heart health. Aroma Life is an oil blend that works synergistically to support the heart and its function.  NingXia Red juice is also a fabulous aid to the heart as it is extremely antioxidant and contains a rich source of vitamins and minerals that are helpful for heart health. Just contact me if you want to learn more.

What will you do for your heart today?

1 comment:

  1. I have a cousin that had his first heart attack at 40. My grandmother on that same side had heart issues and about half of my aunts and uncles on that same side. The other side of my thankfully, has NO history of heart disease. Interesting that one side is much thinner than the other also.
    So I am going to take the challenge which I've been wanting to do and not-so-patiently-waiting for the fresh veggie season to come in so that it would be easier. It will not be easy since I'm so busy (ironically busy growing veggies) and on the run so much that I find it hard to remember to think ahead and have something ready to go. Or even to sit down and eat is not easy to remember to do.
    This blog is really helping me stay more focused and taking the time for myself not because it's selfish but because it's important.


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